Friday 6 July 2018

Introduction to Java

Java is an object oriented programming language developed by James Gosling, a former computer scientist with Sun Microsystems. Designed on a concept of write once run anywhere, its complied code (in Java terms, it is called byte-code) can run on most of the platform (Operating Systems) like Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Solaris and others.

The syntax of Java is based on C++ and C programming language and today it is one of the most popular programming language. Its adopts the OOPS principles.

Following are the features of Java:

(a) Object Oriented - Java is designed on the principle of objects, which means it may contain data, in the form of fields, often known as attributes; and code, in the form of procedures, often known as methods.

(b) Highly Portable - One of the best feature of java is that its code is highly portable and independent of which platform are you using to write the code. The compiled java code (byte code) can be executed on any platform using Java Virtual Machine

(c) Automatic Memory Management - Java has it own garbage collector to manage the object life cycle and programmers doesn't need to worry about managing memory and to delete object no longer reachable to program / application.

(d) Secure - Java does not support C/C++ style pointer arithmetic, which make it more secure

(e) GUI - Java has inbuilt Api for developing stand-alone GUI application using AWT / Swing.

(f) Support Web Application - Java also comes with JAVAEE library from which we can develop a web application, which can be deployed on web server like Tomcat etc

(g) Support Enterprise Application - Java also comes with JAVAEE library from which we can develop a large enterprise application, which can be deployed on application server like JBoss etc.

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